Why is the EndNote toolbar not appearing in Office Word 2016 on my Mac computer?.When I try to install EndNote, I get a message to first close all applications, even though none are open.When I try to insert a citation in a Word document I get an "EndNote Error" message.When I try to download the EndNote software from, I get a "500 Internal Server Error" message.When I insert a citation into my Word document, the in-text citation has a number, and there is no bibliography created.Whenever I insert page numbers (or open a document that has page numbers) it automatically enters this formula:.I downloaded EndNote, but I cannot find the install file.I cannot enter a library in EndNote's preferences for the purpose of sharing with a group.I cannot directly import a citation into EndNote on my MacIntosh computer.How do I restore the EndNote Tools in MacIntosh?.How do I restore the EndNote Tools in MS Word?.How do I recover a damaged EndNote library?.How do I reformat my bibliography if it is centered or numbered?.

How do I fix the citation when I have an organizational name as author?.How do I export an EndNote Library to Excel or Access?.Fixing a Centered Bibliography or Removing Unwanted Numbering.Missing Toolbar after Installing X8 and Deleting X7.Problem exporting to EndNote on a MacIntosh computer.Problem with the in-text citation style formatting.Problem with style formatting of organizational names.Insert EndNote References into PowerPoint.EndNote Library Management Toggle Dropdown.Manuscript Templates and Matcher in Word.Formatting EndNote Citations in MS Word.